Review by Jay

I have been teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) at the college and university level since 1999.

As a language educator myself, I can be quite critical of instructors who have the linguistic knowledge required to teach a language but rarely the ability to impart that knowledge in a comprehensible and effective manner, much less the disposition or patience to deal with non-native speakers.

After so many tutors who “know” the ins and outs of French but lack the skills to convey its essentials and nuances, it’s refreshing to find in Hermance an accomplished and knowledgeable teacher - one who understands that language acquisition is a developmental process that does not happen overnight but takes place slowly yet surely with the student’s own efforts and the teacher’s guiding hand.

If you’re looking for a tutor who will drill you into “speaking like a Parisian in 3 months”, Hermance is not for you.

Then again, given the nature of language learning, anybody who makes such a promise is automatically suspect in the eyes of any self-respecting linguist.

But if you prefer a recommendation based on practice rather than theory, my personal experience speaks for itself: I’ve been working with Hermance for almost a year now and my French has had its expected ups and downs.

But what’s obvious to me is that I now understand spoken French with much more confidence and speak with infinitely greater fluency and assurance than I ever have thanks to her care and guidance.

Hermance also takes the time to research grammar and vocabulary questions that come up during our lessons and includes detailed answers and explanations in the PDF files she e-mails students after each meeting.

One final point: Unlike past teachers who have regularly left me high and dry, I am happy to report that not once has Hermance canceled on me or been late to any of our appointments.

I’ve taken private lessons with many tutors over the past several years, and I can honestly say that Hermance is the most reliable, competent, and personable French teacher I have ever worked with.

Simply put, je la recommande sans réserve! (I recommend her without hesitation!)